Use the 5W framework to get your own personal study plan from ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot or other LLM/Generative AI tool.

Note: this blog post is a summary of a talk I have delivered to test groups.

One of the most rewarding (and challenging) aspects of software testing is keeping up to date with the pace of change in the industry- from new test tools, changes in the technology stack or wider disruption, e.g. AI is a great example.

Therefore the ability to self-learn and learn ‘on the job’ is a key skill for a software tester, and with that in mind I’ve found utilising the 5W framework invaluable to take advantage of what ChatGPT or any other large language model (LLM) can offer.

Why do we need a framework?

This is a simple technique that forces us to think through what information and material we want from the LLM. This will give us a structure to both our prompts and the response we get back.

What is the 5W?

This technique is from an excellent blog by Tina Huang, and is originally based on learning a programming language but is equally applicable to test-related learning:

Apply 5 W framework to get a more relevant response (the example I’ve used here is to learn Selenium):

Source: Tina Huang – YouTube: How to learn to code FAST using ChatGPT (it’s a game changer seriously)

5W prompt example

Based on this example, this gives us the following prompt to input into the LLM:

Act as a coding tutor to create a study plan to help me learn Selenium using Java to be able to create automated tests for front end e-commerce systems. I can study for up to 6 hours a week for 8 weeks, and prefer interactive, example based free resources. Suggest reliable web resources that can be easily found through a web search or by directly visiting the official websites.

The above style of prompt should give a structured plan based on the 5W what, in the timelines defined in the when. I’ve found this approach helpful when learning Cypress for example.

An example response, 'How to use ChatGPT for your own study plan', January 2024

Do we need a framework?

Some of the advantages of using this framework in ChatGPT (or another LLM):


Test Talks Wales, 'How to use ChatGPT for your own study plan', January 2024

As mentioned above, I’ve used this framework both personally and as part of development and learning professionally in work, and it’s the basis of a talk I’ve presented at Test Talks Wales, South West Test and Ministry of Testing Talks Newcastle.

MoT Newcastle Group, 'How to use ChatGPT for your own study plan', JMarch 2024

If you have any questions of feedback based on this post or after a talk, do please get in touch.


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